River biota is the diversity of organisms in a riverine ecosystem, mainly the riparian forest cover with suitable chemical and physical environmental conditions. The biotic health of a river indicates the health of riverine organisms, the change in the condition of the river ecosystem can cause river degradation. The survival of biota depends on the healthy chemical and physical river environment. An ideal bioindicator should have properties of ecological characteristics, species richness, high distribution, taxonomic soundness, etc. The sufficient availability of biological components in the water can help to assess the river’s health. A rapid bioassessment protocol is one of the biological methods of identifying the health of a river by identifying a sufficient quantity of biological indicators. The most common and frequently used biological indicators are macroinvertebrates, periphyton, fish, riparian species of birds, etc.

Variation in the stream flow results inthe biota health alteration. The rich diversity of plants, animals, and other biological indicators is the key indicator of a biologically healthy river.

Riparian vegetation

Riparian vegetation in particular riparian forest cover is an important integral component of river health. Healthy riparian vegetation is a most important element of a healthy aquatic ecosystem. The riparian diversity ranges from species-rich grasslands to woodland. The richness of the riparian species along the stream is considered to be one of the important indicators of river health, and also acts as a buffer zone of the area by capturing sediments and nutrients. The wetland depended on species it acts as a major source of shelter, food, and shade.

The forest ecosystem is the ecological balance of biodiversity and is the area of a high density of trees and woodlands having the largest terrestrial carbon sink. The existence of forests along the river banks has a range of benefits for the ecosystem.

Forest cover refers to the range of the canopy density greater than 10% with an area of 1 hectare and above. The change in the density of the forest reflects the forest cover.


Diatoms are the bio-indicators of the river which have been widely used to find the condition and change in the aquatic ecosystem water quality. The sensitive nature of the organism to the chemical and physical changes in the ecosystem makes the biotic integrity easy to find. The variation in the riverine environmental condition such as salinity, pH, minerals, organic matter, etc. will reflect the relative abundance of the species according to the tolerant level.


Benthic micro-invertebrates are the most common indicator for river health assessment. They are the epitome creature for the biological monitoring of aquatic habitats. The abundance of taxa is an indication of a healthy ecosystem. They are the most widespread, most common, and easily sampled species that are large enough to see with the naked eye. As the organisms are very sensitive to aquatic habitat degradation, they can serve as an excellent indicator of water quality not only for pollution but also to change in the physical condition of the water bodies. The features such as longer life cycles, worldwide distribution, low motility, and real-time sensitivity to a wide range of pollutions make the macroinvertebrates more suitable for identifying river health.


Besides the micro invertebrates, fish are the other commonly used indicator for identifying river health. By the reason of their complex habitat and their sensitive nature to the change in the water quality as well as the habitat.  The sampling and identification of fish are comparatively easy and it can identify the potential impact on the water ecosystem as well as the fish population. The fish sampling technique should focus on multi habitat approach and the sampling should take from riffle, run and pool habitats if available.

What are the possible action steps to improve river biota health?

  • To conserve ecological health: soil, water, flora, and fauna
  • Educate and train proper utilization of natural ecosystem
  • Educate proper waste management
  •  Provide instruction on safe framing practice: organic farming practice
  • Minimize sediment load river inflowing
  • Conservation of physical morphology and biological features
  • Monitoring of biological character and water quality by Rapid bio-assessment protocol
  • Monitoring of changes in actual and normal stream flow
  • Monitor timely lateral connectivity: fertile soil sediment accumulation in the flood plain.
  • Monitor availability of groundwater: identify the seasonal variations

Applying 3 approaches to forest management i.e., deforestation, afforestation, and restoration can reduce the loss of forest cover and can sustainability manage the forest.

Restoration is the process of helping in the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded or threatened or damaged by any factors. The restoration of such an environment is necessary for a sustainably healthy ecosystem to function normally. Ecosystem integrity, species integrity, and the least possible man-made interventions are the major factor of a restoration principle.

The ecological restoration of a forest by a technological system involves the reconditioning of overall resources and components of the ecosystem such as air, water, soil, species population, and other environmental factors through ecological intervention. Three principles of ecosystem restoration,

  • Involves the local community, stakeholders, scientific persons, and other partners in the restoration activities for a holistic approach to restoration.
  • For an effective ecological restoration, reestablish the environment and maintain the value of the ecosystem.
  • Maximize the contribution for restoration and enhance the environment’s beneficial outcome by minimizing the cost and time.

A successful ecological restoration can be measured by comparing the restoration target ecosystem with the reference site. The reference site for the study can be the same target site before the degradation. The available evidence and data of the target site can be taken for the assessment, and if not available a healthy ecosystem of a similar landscape can take as a reference for the valuation. The best indication of a successful restoration of a terrestrial ecosystem is the reoccurrence of fauna, the return of such species along with providing suitable services makes the habitat healthy.

The restoration of RET (Rare Endangered Threatened) species is an important part of the restoration of an ecosystem. The study of the environment and the identification of RET species is the primary process of recovery. Based on the description of species, recognize the threats and driving factors that endangered the species in the area. The change in climatic and weather conditions, human interventions, change in the environmental condition, habitat loss, spreading of diseases, conversion of the land for agriculture or any developmental activities, intrusion of alien invasive species, and change or increase in the predatory species are the major factors causes the threatening of ecosystem species. The restoration efforts should be taken according to the threats in the area. For a species recovery, the factors such as ecological, genetic, biological, and physical characteristics should be considered. Based on the overall circumstances, suitable approaches and measures can be taken to recover and restore endangered and threatened species.